Addiction Resources Blog

Why Marijuana Is Not Considered Addictive

Why Marijuana Is Not Considered Addictive

As more states approve the use of recreational marijuana, the debates around its safety and addictive potential continue to escalate. Throughout the years, studies have proven the beneficial medicinal effects of marijuana.  Yet, the US Drug Enforcement Agency...

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. Established in 2011, this awareness campaign was created to highlight an epidemic within the United States. Since 1999, nearly one million Americans have died from drug overdoses--with a record number of over...

Should You Baker Act a Drug Addict?

Should You Baker Act a Drug Addict?

If you know someone addicted to drugs, you know first-hand just how frustrating and frightening it can be when it’s clear that their life is in jeopardy but feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ve likely tried talking to them, giving them ultimatums,...

Drug Dealer Slang Terms: Deciphering Drug Code Words

Drug Dealer Slang Terms: Deciphering Drug Code Words

Despite what the movies and TV shows might lead you to think, drug deals can happen anywhere at any time--they might even be going on around you right now. Drug dealers and users can talk fairly openly through their use of coded language, much of which involves terms...

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells? How Weed Affects Cognition

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells? How Weed Affects Cognition

What are the side effects that come to mind when you think of marijuana use? Most likely giggling, slowed speech and movements, and a sudden craving for snacks. This bumbling stereotype might lead you to believe that marijuana makes you dumber, but the scientific...

How To Deal With A Brainwashed Person

How To Deal With A Brainwashed Person

The concept of “brainwashing” sounds more like the realm of sci-fi and horror films than an issue related to substance and addiction, but being brainwashed is much more prevalent than you might think. For loved ones bearing witness to a friend, partner, or family...

Alcohol and Anger: Why Do I Get Aggressive When I Drink?

Alcohol and Anger: Why Do I Get Aggressive When I Drink?

Angry drunks—we all know this type. The kind of drinker that always seems to be looking for trouble. All it takes is a few drinks before fights are instigated or hurtful things said over the tiniest misperceived look or gesture. Before our eyes, they transform from a...

What Happens If You Leave A Halfway House?

What Happens If You Leave A Halfway House?

Halfway houses are a type of transitional housing intended to put those who’ve been institutionalized on the straight and narrow. Some tenants reside at these homes voluntarily (usually alumni from an addiction recovery program), but most are court-mandated to be...

College Binge Drinking: A Back to School Warning

College Binge Drinking: A Back to School Warning

Compared to all other age groups, binge drinking is most common amongst young people. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than half of full-time college students said they drank alcohol in the past month—including those that were...

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