Addiction Resources Blog

Veterans and Substance Abuse Disorders: Stats & More

Veterans and Substance Abuse Disorders: Stats & More

Substance abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and the country’s military veterans are no exception to its prevalence. Rates are low amongst active military who face strict zero-tolerance policies and even prosecution for engaging in drug use...

What You Should Know About Alcoholic Hepatitis

What You Should Know About Alcoholic Hepatitis

Alcohol hepatitis, also known as alcoholic liver disease (ALD), is one of the three types of liver disease caused by drinking. It’s one of the most severe types of alcohol-induced liver damage and caused over 24,000 deaths in 2019. This condition often precedes...

Is Alcohol A Drug?

Is Alcohol A Drug?

Alcohol is a hugely popular beverage that's consumed on a regular basis across the globe. It can make us feel braver, more confident, more attractive but at the cost of our coordiation and cognition. This mind-altering substance can affect us in many ways that other...

2 Types of Opioids You Should Know About

2 Types of Opioids You Should Know About

What are opioids? “Opioid” is a term that encompasses multiple types of opioid drugs. This includes, but is not limited to opium, heroin, morphine, and fentanyl. When consumed, opioids act on the Mu receptors in the brain, creating a euphoric effect and producing pain...

The Benefits of Dry January

The Benefits of Dry January

There are plenty of reasons why people participate in this increasingly popular month-long challenge of Dry January—many of which align with the optimistic and health-centric nature of New Year’s resolution. Some voluntarily abstain from drinking for the first 31 days...

Overdose Medication Basics: Narcan

Overdose Medication Basics: Narcan

What Is Narcan? Narcan is a brand name of the overdose medication naloxone. It is used to counteract the depressive effects of opioids, essentially reversing an opioid overdose. As an opioid antagonist, Narcan is able to quickly restore breathing function, increase...

Signs of Opioid Addiction

Signs of Opioid Addiction

In less than 2 decades, the CDC reports that nearly 450,000 individuals died from opioid-related overdoses - both prescription and illicit. The possibility of overdosing is among the greatest risks when using any opioids, even the prescription kind. Opioid addiction...

How Long Do Opioids Stay In Your System?

How Long Do Opioids Stay In Your System?

Opioid medications are known for their withdrawal symptoms when an individual struggling with opioid addiction stops using them. Essentially, flu-like symptoms begin to appear as the body processes the opioids out of its system. This is just one reason why you may ask...

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