Addiction Resources Blog

5 Things You Should Know About Reversing Liver Damage

5 Things You Should Know About Reversing Liver Damage

The liver's remarkable ability to heal and regenerate is well-known, particularly in discussions about alcohol abuse or the impacts of an unhealthy diet. This organ's resilience means there's often an opportunity to begin positive lifestyle changes that can...

How Long Does a Cocaine High Last?

How Long Does a Cocaine High Last?

Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs in the world. The effects of cocaine depend on the method of administration. When people snort cocaine, the high peaks around 20-30 minutes after inhalation and will last about 2 hours. When smoked or injected intravenously,...

Alcohol and Mood Swings: How to Spot Them

Alcohol and Mood Swings: How to Spot Them

Living with alcohol addiction is incredibly difficult; what’s even more difficult is experiencing mood swings while remaining unaware of how they’re impacting yourself and others. Many people are all too hard on those who experience mood swings; they neglect the nudge of curiosity to find out why a person acts the way they do. It could be chemical, or it could be completely circumstantial. For some, it has all to do with alcohol abuse.

Positive Recovery Affirmations for Addiction Recovery

Positive Recovery Affirmations for Addiction Recovery

In our journey toward personal growth and healing, we often overlook the immense impact of positive self-talk. We’re here to shed light on how regularly reciting positive affirmations can play a significant role in addiction recovery.

Studies have shown that incorporating positive affirmations into our daily routine can lead to remarkable transformations. By consciously changing our internal dialogue, we can challenge negative self-perceptions, boost self-esteem, and cultivate a positive mindset. All of which are key ingredients for a successful recovery journey.

September is National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month has a heartfelt history that’s all about support and healing. Back in 1989, it all began when people in the recovery community decided it was time to spread the word. They wanted to let the world know that recovery from addiction is possible and worth celebrating.

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