Mental Health

How to Cope With Loneliness Without Alcohol

How to Cope With Loneliness Without Alcohol

At one point or another, we all have felt lonely. That transient state can make us feel distressed or discontent with our current situation. It often happens when we’re craving human connections or social interactions. Many experienced it during lockdowns in the...

Is Addiction Considered a Mental Illness?

Is Addiction Considered a Mental Illness?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a substance use disorder is a mental disorder that affects a person’s brain and behavior. These changes in the brain’s structure and chemical composition lead to a person’s inability to control their use of...

Can Drug Abuse Cause Bipolar Disorder?

Can Drug Abuse Cause Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a common mental health disorder affecting approximately 5.7 million adults in the United States. Numerous studies have reported a connection between alcohol and drug abuse and bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood and...

Types of Meditation

Types of Meditation

Having excellent control of your mind and body can help you overcome any craving that can lead to long-lasting addictions. Many therapists also recommend taking meditation as a way of dealing with addictions. But, most people don’t realize there are different types of...

Should You Baker Act a Drug Addict?

Should You Baker Act a Drug Addict?

If you know someone addicted to drugs, you know first-hand just how frustrating and frightening it can be when it’s clear that their life is in jeopardy but feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ve likely tried talking to them, giving them ultimatums,...

Addiction vs Compulsive Behavior: What’s The Difference?

Addiction vs Compulsive Behavior: What’s The Difference?

Drug addiction is a chronic disease and mental illness一and scarily powerful ones at that. Addiction can cause us to continuously make choices that go against all instincts for self-preservation such as forgoing our need for shelter (and have us abandon the necessary...

Alcohol, PTSD Triggers & The Body’s Stress Response

Alcohol, PTSD Triggers & The Body’s Stress Response

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a severe mental illness when the brain relives traumatic experiences resulting in intense bouts of fear, anger, or other negative emotions (which can also cause immense physical distress). These instances are called flashbacks. Though...

The Stigma of Addiction

The Stigma of Addiction

Substance use disorder is an illness that has no shortage of difficulties. Admitting that someone needs treatment is hard enough without having to deal with worrying about people judging you for it. The last thing that anyone struggling with addiction wants...

A Life Free From Addiction Is Possible

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