Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment is not one size fits all and experiences vary. Learn what to possibly expect from this transformative journey.

Buprenorphine: Indications & Contraindications

Buprenorphine: Indications & Contraindications

Buprenorphine is a synthetic opioid used to manage pain since the 1970s. It's also sometimes used to reduce withdrawal symptoms from opioid use disorder when used as part of a treatment program involving counseling and behavioral therapy. It works by attaching to...

5 Ways to Stop Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

5 Ways to Stop Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol and drugs alter the molecular makeup of the brain, and repeated use of mind-altering substances can lead to dependence. Withdrawal is a set of physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person stops using or reduces their consumption of a substance...

5 Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Trauma & Addiction

5 Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Trauma & Addiction

At least 75 percent of people in substance abuse treatment have a history of trauma. About one-third of the people exposed to trauma eventually develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy manages trauma...

Drug Overdose: What to Expect

Drug Overdose: What to Expect

A drug overdose can happen after someone takes too much of a drug. This can happen whether they consume over-the-counter, prescription, or illegal substances, and it can occur intentionally or accidentally. In 2019, there were 70,600 drug-involved overdose deaths in...

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. Established in 2011, this awareness campaign was created to highlight an epidemic within the United States. Since 1999, nearly one million Americans have died from drug overdoses--with a record number of over...

CBT vs DBT Therapy: What’s The Difference?

CBT vs DBT Therapy: What’s The Difference?

There are a lot of acronyms used in the addiction treatment community: IP (inpatient treatment), OP (outpatient treatment), EBP (evidence-based practice), MAT (medically-assisted treatment)—just to name a few. These terms might seem like a jumble of letters to the...

The Dangerous Cycle of Addiction

The Dangerous Cycle of Addiction

Addiction is a vast whirlwind of destruction in the lives of many; people tend to get so caught up in the chaos that they believe substance abuse to have been wrapped into one’s character. Contrary to popular belief, however, addiction does not happen as spontaneously...

Overdose Medication Basics: Narcan

Overdose Medication Basics: Narcan

What Is Narcan? Narcan is a brand name of the overdose medication naloxone. It is used to counteract the depressive effects of opioids, essentially reversing an opioid overdose. As an opioid antagonist, Narcan is able to quickly restore breathing function, increase...

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